Íà  ñàéò ÌÑîÝÑ              Íà ñàéò Èçðàèëüñêîãî îòäåëåíèÿ




P.O.B. 50034

Tel-Aviv 61500



Project: The computerized system for earthquake prediction, by Alexander Yagodin (this opinion is based only on reading of the project, without actual examination of the Yagodin’s home-laboratory).


Aim of the project:

To build a computerized system for monitoring animal behavior aimed for the short-term earthquake-predictions.


Overall Opinion: Good. It is based on the monitoring and analyses of behavior of the carefully chosen dogs, fish and other sea-animals especially sensitive to acoustic noise (and, may be, to other geochemical and geophysical anomalies) accompanying various seismic processes precursory to major earthquakes. The proposed system is based on the use of the low-cost instrumentation transmitting features of regular and indications of anomalous behavior of the chosen animals to the monitoring-center, and statistical processing of the data with its correlation with regional seismic activity. Thus it is different from the large scale monitoring of anomalous animal-behavior, practiced in China in the 1980-s with not always meaningful results.



                                               Arie Gilat